
Hi there, Sara here, nice to meet you! I created this blog just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it.

A little bit about moi...my life never slows down. It has been such a crazy amazing adventure and I wake up happy everyday. I am obsessed with hot yoga and veggies! 

My hubby is the opposite of me. Laid back and doesn't stress over the little things in life (he doesn't even do yoga, just born that way, I guess?) He is a true Montreal HABS fan. I even made a promise to him in my wedding vows to always be there to cheer him up - even when the Habs lose. He calls me his little spoon of peanut butter. Yes, we were meant to be! Our lil pug, roxy, is the closest thing to a baby I have ever seen. She really is the best and makes me laugh everyday. She does snore tho, ALOT!

For most of our 20s, we lived in the beautiful city of Montreal. To this day, both of us still can't speak french. In October 2011, we decided it was time to start a new chapter in our lives and moved to Ottawa. What a great decision we made and have not looked back since!

Hope you enjoy this blog of the little random timbits in life!

 "What you do everyday matters more than what you do once in a while"

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